How to Remove Fence Post Concrete: The Ultimate Guide

how to remove fence post concrete step by step guide

Have you ever stared at that stubborn concrete around your fence post and wondered, “How on earth do I get this out?” Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners face this challenge, especially when sprucing up their backyards or making way for new projects. 

Here’s an overview of what you will do before we explain the step-by-step process:

To remove fence post concrete, dig around the post to expose it, then use a pry bar or post puller to loosen it. Gradually lift and wiggle the post until it’s free. While at it, always be cautious of buried utilities and wear safety gear.

Let’s now go over the process of how to remove fence post concrete efficiently and without losing your cool.

tools needed to remove fence post concrete

Tools and Materials Needed for Removing Fence Post Concrete

The right tools can make a world of difference, turning a seemingly impossible task into a weekend DIY project. Here are the materials you’ll need:

  • Shovel or Post Hole Digger. This digging tool will help a lot to expose the hard-to-reach concrete footing.
  • Sledgehammer. The average concrete used for fence posts can withstand a pressure of about 3,000 psi. This tool can deliver a force of up to 8,000 psi on impact. 
  • Pry Bar or Digging Bar. Did you know that the principle of leverage, used by pry bars, dates back to Archimedes in ancient Greece? You can bet that this tool can apply the force at the right point to remove concrete in a flash.
  • Chain and Vehicle. This might sound a bit extreme, but sometimes, wrapping a chain around the post and attaching it to a vehicle can do the trick. You can create a force that’s literally “driving” the post out.
  • Water and Bucket. Applying moisture around the concrete will soften the soil, making the removal process smoother. 
step by step guide to remove fence post concrete

How to Remove Fence Post Concrete: Step-by-Step Guide🏗️

So, now that you have the tools ready, it’s time to work. Here are the steps that you need to follow:

Step 1: Preparation

Check the whole area; you must know beforehand what you’re dealing with. The standard depth for fence post holes is about 24 to 30 inches deep. Measure and mark a digging perimeter around the post to give yourself adequate room.

Step 2: Dig Around the Concrete

Start digging around the concrete footing using your shovel or post-hole digger. The goal is to uncover as much of it as possible. Remember that soil composition can significantly affect your digging experience. For instance, loamy soil is easier to dig than clay.

Step 3: Soften the Ground (If Needed)

Pouring some water around the concrete will soften the surrounding ground, making the next steps easier. This technique is especially useful in areas with hard, compact soil. 

Step 4: Break the Concrete

Use your sledgehammer to start breaking up the exposed concrete. The trick is to start from the edges and work your way in. Consistent blows will create cracks which will widen and eventually break apart.

Step 5: Leverage with the Pry Bar

Insert the pry bar into the cracks and apply pressure. The concrete should start to loosen from the post.

Step 6: The Chain Pull (For Stubborn Posts)

If you’ve got a particularly hard-to-uproot post, securely wrap a chain around it, attach to a vehicle, and slowly pull away. 

Step 7: Clean Up

Once the post and concrete are out, use your shovel to remove any remaining debris. Fill the hole with soil or a mix of soil and gravel, and the job is done.

breaking fence post concrete

Techniques for Breaking Up Concrete Around Fence Posts

Breaking up concrete around fence posts is more than just wielding a sledgehammer and hoping for the best. Here are some of the techniques that can help you break up concrete:

Mechanical Breaking

The sledgehammer is a classic tool for breaking up concrete. If well-aimed, it can deliver a force of up to 8,000 psi upon impact, more than enough to shatter standard fence post concrete. Choose a sledgehammer that’s heavy but not so heavy that you risk injury. Aim for the edges and work your way inward.

Expansion Chemicals

When mixed with water, these chemicals expand, creating a powerful force that can crack concrete. Certain expansion chemicals can exert a pressure of up to 12,000 psi, making them potent concrete breakers. 

Hydraulic or Pneumatic Breakers

The rapid hammer action of these tools can deliver consistent force, making them efficient for breaking up large chunks of concrete.

Core Drilling

This technique involves creating strategic holes in the concrete, making it easier to break. Once you weaken the structure, it becomes much simpler to break apart. Aside from helping break concrete, the process also reduces the risk of uncontrolled cracks.

Heating and Quenching

You can induce cracks by heating the concrete and then rapidly cooling it using water. Rapid temperature changes can cause micro-cracks in concrete, making it easier to break.

Safety Considerations When Removing Fence Post Concrete

safety warning when doing construction job

We’ve all heard the saying, “Better safe than sorry,” which rings especially true here. So take note of the following safety measures when removing fence post concrete:

Wear Protective Gear

Here are the materials you’ll need to keep yourself protected while doing the task:

  • Safety Goggles. Always wear safety goggles to protect your eyes against dust, debris, and those sneaky concrete shards.
  • Gloves. They not only protect your hands against cuts and scrapes but also provide a better grip on tools.
  • Steel-toed Boots. Dropped tools or chunks of concrete can cause harm to your toes. Wearing these boots can effectively deflect and absorb the impact, safeguarding your feet.
  • Dust Masks: Inhaling fine concrete particles can be harmful, and a dust mask helps filter them out.

Use Proper Tools

Aside from having complete tools, you have to know how to use them efficiently and safely:

  • Quality over Quantity. It’s not just about having many tools but having the right ones. For instance, using a regular hammer instead of a sledgehammer can be inefficient and increase the risk of injury due to repetitive strain.
  • Maintain Your Tools. Regularly check your tools for signs of wear or damage. A sharp, clean tool not only works better but is also safer.
  • Tool Handling. Always use tools for their intended purpose to minimize the risks of accidents. 

Repairing the Ground After Fence Post Concrete Removal

Once you’ve removed the fence post, you will be left with a gaping hole and disrupted soil. Here are steps to do to repair the ground effectively:

Assess the Hole and Surrounding Area

The size of the hole determines the amount of fill material needed. Different soil types settle at various rates. So, accurately measure the depth and width of the hole to calculate your fill needs. Next, check for erosion, especially if the fence post is near slopes or water run-off paths.

Choose Your Fill Material

If you’re considering planting in the area, get nutrient-rich topsoil. If the goal is stability, especially if installing another post or structure, consider a mix of gravel and soil. 

Tamp Down the Soil

Tamping compresses the fill material, eliminating air pockets and stabilizing the ground. Proper tamping can increase soil strength, ensuring it doesn’t sink over time. Add and tamp in layers. This ensures even compaction and reduces the risk of future settling.

Restore the Turf

Depending on the extent of the area, you can either lay sod for an immediate green cover or seed the area. Whichever you choose, remember to water it adequately for better rooting and growth.

Overwhelmed by Big Junk? Liberty Junk Removal Has Your Back!

Removing fence post concrete and then repairing the ground might sound daunting, but with the right knowledge and a sprinkle of determination, it can be a rewarding experience. Not only do you restore the beauty of your outdoor space, but you also contribute to the health of the environment. 

What if removing the fence post inspired you to clean up and revamp your backyard? Before you can get anything new in, you must clear out the big chunks of trash. This is the job for the pros at Liberty Junk Removal. We are a junk removal company in Philadelphia, and we specialize in tackling those heavy-duty cleanup jobs, from construction debris to mountains of accumulated clutter. Let us handle the tough stuff so you can reclaim your space!

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